於是,上網查了一堆資料,看大家的心得討論,也問了有成功經驗的 NICKI, 之後又開始再廚房做起實驗
第一批,使用楊桃的食譜 --牛奶牛軋糖,加了一大堆奶粉,結果因為溫度不對(還是不夠高),糖還是偏軟
Two cupfuls sugar
Two-thirds cupful corn syrup
One cupful broken nut meats
One-half cupful water
Whites two eggs
One teaspoonful vanilla
Put the sugar, syrup, and water into the kettle and put over fire, stir until the sugar is melted, then wipe down the sides of the kettle, put the thermometer in, and boil to 248°, or until it forms a firm ball when dropped into cold water. While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites until they are stiff enough to stand, and slowly pour the hot syrup into the beaten whites of eggs. Beat the mixture constantly while pouring the syrup into the whites, and keep beating until the candy begins to stiffen, when the nuts should be folded in and the candy should be turned on the buttered slab or platter. Allow to cool and cut
into squares. The nougat may be poured into a deep buttered pan like an individual bread pan and, when cool, sliced down in thick slices.
Add the flavoring when adding the nuts.
這一次我乖乖的讓糖漿溫度確實到達食譜指示,做出來的糖果硬度果然不錯,而且我又加了craneberry 甜中帶酸的口感真是好吃極了
這裡分享一下 Nicki去年的實做心得
1.nuts 要先烘烤過,比較香,華人喜歡花生,老外喜愛杏仁 (我使用杏仁因為吃太多花生我會過敏)
ps 糖雖是好吃,但是切的我好累,切了一個半小時,第二天還要貼撒隆巴斯,所以我只做一批就收手拉